Labour Irish campaign to Repeal the 8th

The Labour Party Irish Society are long-time supporters of women's reproductive rights, on both sides of the border, which is why we went to Dublin for the Repeal the 8th campaign.

We have worked in partnership with London Irish Abortion Rights Campaign (LIARC) to highlight the need to change the law in the Republic of Ireland. We have previously marched with LIARC in the St Patrick’s Day parade and supported their events. But we couldn't miss the opportunity to knock some doors ourselves. 

We went canvassing for Yes with Irish Labour Senators Ivana Backik in Ranelagh, south Dublin, and Aodhán Ó Ríordáin in North Dublin. We talked to dozens of voters about the need to repeal the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution and really appreciated the opportunity to further develop our links with the Irish Labour Party.